Monday, September 11, 2017

"How did we lose our way???..."

     Greetings my is a day of memorials and pausing for moments of silence. We all know what today is, we've been bombarded by History channel specials, local and national news reports replaying that fateful day 16 years ago. I too remember that day vividly...and I cried with you. What happened is burned into our collective conscience, and we were forever changed...or were we? Sixteen years ago, we gathered in parks, churches, on streets with total strangers...and for a moment, we were "One nation, under God"
     Here we are years later, and we seemed to have forgotten what it was that brought us together, what it was that shook us to our core, what it was to donate our time, energy and money to help those less fortunate in a time of need. Why is it that we continue to forget that we are not put on this earth to simply exist, but to interact, to learn from one another and to grow old together with memories, both good and sad as we swap stories on the front porch, in a tavern or at a gathering?
     Today, while the nation promises "Never to forget" how about we remember the many instances today where we can make a difference. Cleanup efforts in Texas, Florida, Montana, Washington & Oregon are needed and help is welcomed. If you can't help financially or physically, maybe you could assist spiritually. Prayers, meditation, chants, whatever you spiritual walk encourages, I ask that you do for those in need.
     Finally, why do we have to wait for a disaster to bring us together...why can't we "all just learn to get along?" I for one am willing...even if my efforts are not splashed on the headlines of the nightly news, I am willing to extend a little bit of kindness without looking for the payback, and I am also willing to admit that I have been lacking in being civil to my fellow human beings...and for that, I, today, on this day of remembrances and memorials...I will chose to hold myself accountable for spreading random acts of kindness...anyone want to join doesn't take much to make a person smile, laugh or appreciate your effort...and best of all it's free...I'll see you soon my peeps...mow go out and make someone's day count...peace

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

DACA...Is the Dream Coming to a Rude Awakening???

     With the announcement today from the White House, I took some time to think about what this decision means to the 800,000 "Dreamers" who are here, and what it means to future "Dreamers"... here is what I have come up with;

    There are 800,000 dreamers in the United States (120,000 in Texas alone).
FYI: DACA members have to pay $500 every two years to the government to stay in the program. That's $400 million not including the taxes they pay. In order to be eligible for the program:
1. Applicants must provide a criminal record history.
2. Proof that they paid taxes for the past 3+ years. 
3. They must prove that they have been providers to their communities.
4. Prove that they are or have been in school. 
6. All of them go through an extensive criminal record background check.
7. They have to prove that they have never asked for welfare or government assistance as these are almost immediate disqualified.
     These are just a few requirements to complete a DACA application. And every two years they have to repeat the process.This is the place that most of them know as their only home. Deporting them would not only be very cruel but also very costly. And for what???...These are some of the most law abiding, socially acceptable, entrepreneurial and dedicated that the world brings to our country...and this is how we repay their holding up their end of the agreement...Once again, the United States has reneged on a "Treaty or Promise" to those who are willing to live by our set of rules.🤔
"You ask us to sit at the table and play the game, but then you switch the deck and point out that we are not able to win".
     This country was built on immigrants, no exceptions, even the Native Americans migrated here from somewhere else...the heat of the political environment is already showing signs of a storm brewing...and it is a storm that will decide the fate of hundreds of thousands already here...and the millions that it will affect you have a choice...go forth and help those in need...or hide in your shelter and wait for the storm waters to subside while you stay safe and warm in ignorance...:/

Monday, August 7, 2017

Annnnddd...heeee's baaaaccccck

Greetings one and has been a few years since my last entry, a lot has gone on with my life and it is one of those life events that has brought me back to the tappity-tap of my keyboard...and a form of process that helps us all get through the rough times in, feel free to drop in as I attempt to journal my adventures on a weekly basis....until then, take care, God Bless and know that we all have a story to share...and I hope you enjoy mine...peace


Friday, February 18, 2011

The Things I've Done, The Places I've Seen...: Come out, come out, where ever you are......

The Things I've Done, The Places I've Seen...: Come out, come out, where ever you are......: "Greetings y'all, Well, now that my required semester of English Composition is over, I wondered how long it would be before I returned, and ..."

Come out, come out, where ever you are......

Greetings y'all,
Well, now that my required semester of English Composition is over, I wondered how long it would be before I returned, and finally after about 2 months...."I'mmm Baaaack!!!"

So, let's see what's been happening...well, as is the cycle of things, the holidays approached, came, and went...and now we find ourselves in a new year...and, as usual, it has not been the "same old, same old."
The love of my life and I have grown closer, shared more adventures and even taken our relationship to the next level....yes, we are to marry next year....*0*....

I am still employed part-time, going to school full-time, and loving life....all the time!!!  Well, I know this post is short, but I'll be back soon...I just needed to get started again, and now that I have, I think I'll keep on bloggin' as time goes on...till then, take care, God Bless and know that an active mind leads a strong will, and a strong will, never settles for "just good enough"....peace.....Cuervo

Monday, December 6, 2010

Words of Wisdom, Or Just An Old Mans Rantings....

Greetings to you, the unwary,

First, let me say that you are about to embark on a journey of which not everyone will survive.  Sure, right now you're in a classroom that is probably packed to the rafters with the "Have to get-ins" and the "I just needed a class to fill my schedule." students...but take a look to your right, now take a look to your left, now jump up on one foot....hahaha....just checking to see if you were paying  Half of you will not survive the cut, half of you will survive, and the other half don't know how to do the math....we're all outta halves....

But seriously folks, English Composition 101 is what you make it.  The work may be challenging, and you might wonder what you got yourselves into, but for the brave students who don't buckle under the blogs, essays, research papers and stale candy that is passed to those fortunate enough to have Ms. Croker as your teacher/instructor and (tor) will learn how to write like you never thought possible...and believe it or not, your typing skills will also greatly improve as well.

So I encourage you to either switch classes now, before you have to drop it anyway, or for the brave, strap yourselves in for one wild ride through the world of topic sentences, body paragraphs, work cited pages and endless re-writes that await you......if you dare........

Oh, and lighten up, it's only English Composition 101....not brain surgery......peace

Saturday, December 4, 2010

To Blogg, or not to blogg.....that is the sentence

Greetings y'all,
Well, it's that time of the year I'm not talking about Christmas, Kwanzaa, of Hanukkah, I'm talking about the flurry of papers, reports, essays, and cramming for finals, while carolers sing outside your window..."Semester Finals Are Coming To Town".....oh and lest I forget, curling up with a good computer and reading your bloggs. 
When I first started this, I was like, "What???, no notebook of can I learn to write without this valuable tool in my arsenal???"  Well, suffice to say, I learned by using this thing called ......"The Blog"....(Cue Angels singing/heaven opening up)....and low and behold, worked.
Now the topics were, for the most part, interesting to say the least.....and believe me, I'll leave it at that....but it was in reading the veritable cornucopia of comments that were left by you, yes you, the reader, that left me laughing my @ss off at times.....and may I say....some of you guys/gals are sick, sick won't mention names, but're sick....Jessica, you're real sick.....and me, I'm just fine thank you very much.
Sierra always had a great slant at what others would miss, and're just funny my friend...and to the rest of you who contributed to the cause....(cause the teacher told us to)......I thank you all.  I hope to read more of your adventures in life my friends and if you ever look back at this time, and you will, just remember those who made you smile, laugh, or cough milk out your nose.....and if I'm one who did that for you, then my job is completed....
Good day, God Bless and know that we made it through another semester....together.....peace

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"What's Wrong With What We Eat?"

Mr. Bittmans' wonderful use of sarcastic humor, biting comments and on screen presentation made watching this video worth doing the assignment for.  His quick pace, ability to stay focused, and present such facts, fables, and tid-bits about the food we eat was an excellent way of educating the public, without dumbing down the message.  His use of facts, such as "cattle flatulence," or the amount of livestock killed in the United States annually was mind boggling, and yet presented in a way that had me laughing along with the audience.  I was surprised to learn that livestock produces 20% of our greenhouse gasses, that methane is 20x more deadly than cO2, and that if stretched end-to-end, the livestock killed annually in the United States alone would reach between the Earth and The Moon five times.
In all this was a great video, and although I cannot use it for my research paper, I found it full of useful information regarding the issues of food consumption and the food industry, as a time for dinner...gotta go and raid the neighbors garden for my salad......peace

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The 3 who inspire me, to be the 1 I am

     In looking back in my life, there are some regrets...but since I can't change what I did, I can only move foward with the education and experiences that life has provided me thus far.  In that there have been many people who have inspired me along the way, and it is for them, that I write this blogg, but not in the traditional form, so bare with me, and let me explain.
     1. Father God-I would not be here without the love and guidence of my spiritual father, God.  I know that it's not always "popular" to speak one's faith, but if any of you know me, and my life story, it's not hard to see who inspires me, leads me and teaches me the true meaning of life, laughter, and most important, love.  He has given me everything I have ever wanted, and that was just to be valued, and loved as a person.  I thank Him every day for the gift of life, the ability to live and the capacity to love again.  Life isn't any easier just because I believe in God, but it's not as difficult, I know that I am never alone, and with this, I can always get through whatever life throws at me, and know that He has gifts for me that haven't even been given to me just yet.
     2.  My sister Maria-Although we weren't raised together, she has always kept my memory alive within her.  When we reunited in 1981, we began to reconnect as if we had never been apart.  Even through my years of addiction, she stood beside me, believed in me and defended me.  More importantly, she never gave up on me. It is because of my sister that I am about to celebrate being drug-free for 5 years now.  Yes, I did the work, but she was always in my corner, cheering me on, and lifting my spirits when I thought I couldn't make it, and willing to kick my @ss if I talked about giving up. My sister is my hero, and my 1st. best friend...and always will be.  I can talk to her about anything/everything without worrying about what she thinks, because she's not afraid to tell, but always with love and care...and even though we only see each other 2-3 times a year, we stay in contact through e-mail, FB, and phone calls...and it never ceases to amaze me that when I'm feeling my lowest, worried or stressed, I hear from her..."I just thought about you and wanted to call."...that's my sister, always there when I need her most, and always with a shoulder to lean on.
     3.  Like most people, we do not want to be alone, and like most people, I have made some dumb choices in the dating scene.  I had just gotten out of a scary relationship at the beginning of this year and wasn't looking for a relationship...but here I am, with one of the most beautiful women I have ever known.  Dhyane and I clicked in ways that I had forgotten about.  She, like I, was not looking to get into anything other than maybe coffee, a movie, or something on the "friend" level of dating. We have been dating "officially" for close to 2 months now, and we both know that this is the real thing.  Dhyane is one of the funniest, caring, compasionate, and understanding people I have ever met...and 2nd. only to my sister, is my best friend.  We are taking this slowly, but we are not afaid to enjoy life and all it has to offer...and I know that it is God who brought her into my life...and in so doing, has reminded me that He has only good things for me in His plans....and I am thankful.

So, you can see that all 3 people/entities in my life that have helped to shape me are related...and for that reason I am thankful for the life I now have.....So I'll say that this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for life, laughter, and most importantly, love....and all that life has to offer.....peace

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Food Worth Eating

Greetings y'all,
After reading Fast Food Nation, I have changed my eating habits...that's no surprise, and it hasn't been all that difficult to do.  So what do I do when hunger strikes and I don't feel like an "eColi burger, with a side of the runs?"...I eat in one of the various, sit down and get waited on restaurants that populate the Ventura County area.  One of these is a little place called "Tortuga's Cafe."
Located in the Centennial Plaza, behind the movie theater,on the corner of 5th and B St. in Oxnard is a wonderfully delicious, and very nutritious, family run business.  Shelly and Steve, owners of Tortuga's, and their children, greet you as you enter a very spacious, yet warm diner.  Don't feel like being cooped up, well then, sit outside and grab a little sun on Tortuga's patio. 
Tortuga's is a little eclectic in its decor, as well as its menu.  Decorated as a pirates lair, it's easy to get into the mood for good food.  With everything from soups and salads, to veggie, or garden burgers, chicken strips, and hot wings, to tri-tip sandwiches, it's not hard to satisfy anybody with their menu selection.  The food is just a small part of the reasons to support this business.  Shelly and Steve believe in supporting their community and often help local school groups with various fund raising events.  Oxnard Colleges very own Addictive Disorder Studies Club, the ADS-PLC has had several successful fundraisers over the semester. 
The food has a Caribbean flavor to it, so some of the sandwiches and salads reflect that in the wonderful spices and herbs used, providing that "bite" that keeps you coming back for more.
My favorite on the menu is the Spicy Chicken sandwich, onion rings and chocolate shake....mmmm, mmmm, good!!!  While providing a nutritious, and delicious meal, Tortuga's is cost friendly...most complete meals are under $8.00 per person...need an additional incentive??? a combo meal, and you can get movie tickets for just $6.99 per person....a savings of $3.00 for you movie buffs.
So the next time you want more than just a place to stuff your face, without cleaning out your wallet, or your intestines, give Tortuga's a will not be dissapointed....just tell them "Cuervo sent me!!!".....and enjoy your meal.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You are what you eat

   Entering the semester, I thought, ok this should be easy...I'll learn how to write better papers, wow my professors, and share my words of wisdom with those who read my articles, essays, and short stories...little did I know that I would also change my eating habits.
   Fast Food Nation is one of the few books that I'll not only keep in my library, but will recommend to anyone who eats fast food.  This book really opened my eyes to the dangers involved in areas I hadn't thought about, such as the feed lots, the processing plants, and the handling of the food items in the fast food restaurants.  
   Since reading the book, I have changed my eating habits drastically...I no longer eat fast foods....ok, so I'm still struggling with giving up my Egg McMuffins every now and then, but I'm working on  In the past 3 weeks, that I have given up fast foods, I have noticed that I've lost 5 lbs. and have managed to save $25.00 so far.  I did struggle for the first few days, but every time I pulled into a drive-up window, chapters 5-9 kept coming back to haunt me...and I left the line to the calls, "Welcome to....Hey, you haven't ordered yet!!!" coming from the menu board intercom system.
   Not only have I quit eating fast food, but now my girlfriend also has joined me.  Not because I made her, but because I told her that I would wait in the car while she played "Russian Roulette" with her health...just the other night, she stopped off on her way home, picked up a burger, fries and a drink....she then went home and took a big bite out of the burger....and started to remember what I had shared with her about the FFN, so she spit it out and then she called me to let me know that she can't eat any fast food without thinking about what I had shared with her...."Nice job owe me $7.99"....fair enough, a small price to pay for a better way of eating. Now we go to sit-down restaurants and enjoy our meals, or we cook at home, which has added benefits of spending more time together...and knowing what we are eating.

"How did we lose our way???..."

     Greetings my is a day of memorials and pausing for moments of silence. We all know what today is, we've been bombar...