Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You are what you eat

   Entering the semester, I thought, ok this should be easy...I'll learn how to write better papers, wow my professors, and share my words of wisdom with those who read my articles, essays, and short stories...little did I know that I would also change my eating habits.
   Fast Food Nation is one of the few books that I'll not only keep in my library, but will recommend to anyone who eats fast food.  This book really opened my eyes to the dangers involved in areas I hadn't thought about, such as the feed lots, the processing plants, and the handling of the food items in the fast food restaurants.  
   Since reading the book, I have changed my eating habits drastically...I no longer eat fast foods....ok, so I'm still struggling with giving up my Egg McMuffins every now and then, but I'm working on it...lol.  In the past 3 weeks, that I have given up fast foods, I have noticed that I've lost 5 lbs. and have managed to save $25.00 so far.  I did struggle for the first few days, but every time I pulled into a drive-up window, chapters 5-9 kept coming back to haunt me...and I left the line to the calls, "Welcome to....Hey, you haven't ordered yet!!!" coming from the menu board intercom system.
   Not only have I quit eating fast food, but now my girlfriend also has joined me.  Not because I made her, but because I told her that I would wait in the car while she played "Russian Roulette" with her health...just the other night, she stopped off on her way home, picked up a burger, fries and a drink....she then went home and took a big bite out of the burger....and started to remember what I had shared with her about the FFN, so she spit it out and then she called me to let me know that she can't eat any fast food without thinking about what I had shared with her...."Nice job Cuervo....you owe me $7.99"....fair enough, a small price to pay for a better way of eating. Now we go to sit-down restaurants and enjoy our meals, or we cook at home, which has added benefits of spending more time together...and knowing what we are eating.


  1. Where do you come up with these great lines? haha "Not because I made her, but because I told her that I would wait in the car while she played "Russian Roulette" with her health" LOL

  2. We haven't discussed the money savings associated with choosing not to eat out! Interesting! (Did you pay up?)


"How did we lose our way???..."

     Greetings my friends...today is a day of memorials and pausing for moments of silence. We all know what today is, we've been bombar...