Tuesday, September 5, 2017

DACA...Is the Dream Coming to a Rude Awakening???

     With the announcement today from the White House, I took some time to think about what this decision means to the 800,000 "Dreamers" who are here, and what it means to future "Dreamers"... here is what I have come up with;

    There are 800,000 dreamers in the United States (120,000 in Texas alone).
FYI: DACA members have to pay $500 every two years to the government to stay in the program. That's $400 million not including the taxes they pay. In order to be eligible for the program:
1. Applicants must provide a criminal record history.
2. Proof that they paid taxes for the past 3+ years. 
3. They must prove that they have been providers to their communities.
4. Prove that they are or have been in school. 
6. All of them go through an extensive criminal record background check.
7. They have to prove that they have never asked for welfare or government assistance as these are almost immediate disqualified.
     These are just a few requirements to complete a DACA application. And every two years they have to repeat the process.This is the place that most of them know as their only home. Deporting them would not only be very cruel but also very costly. And for what???...These are some of the most law abiding, socially acceptable, entrepreneurial and dedicated that the world brings to our country...and this is how we repay their holding up their end of the agreement...Once again, the United States has reneged on a "Treaty or Promise" to those who are willing to live by our set of rules.🤔
"You ask us to sit at the table and play the game, but then you switch the deck and point out that we are not able to win".
     This country was built on immigrants, no exceptions, even the Native Americans migrated here from somewhere else...the heat of the political environment is already showing signs of a storm brewing...and it is a storm that will decide the fate of hundreds of thousands already here...and the millions that it will affect overall...so you have a choice...go forth and help those in need...or hide in your shelter and wait for the storm waters to subside while you stay safe and warm in ignorance...:/

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"How did we lose our way???..."

     Greetings my friends...today is a day of memorials and pausing for moments of silence. We all know what today is, we've been bombar...