Monday, December 6, 2010

Words of Wisdom, Or Just An Old Mans Rantings....

Greetings to you, the unwary,

First, let me say that you are about to embark on a journey of which not everyone will survive.  Sure, right now you're in a classroom that is probably packed to the rafters with the "Have to get-ins" and the "I just needed a class to fill my schedule." students...but take a look to your right, now take a look to your left, now jump up on one foot....hahaha....just checking to see if you were paying  Half of you will not survive the cut, half of you will survive, and the other half don't know how to do the math....we're all outta halves....

But seriously folks, English Composition 101 is what you make it.  The work may be challenging, and you might wonder what you got yourselves into, but for the brave students who don't buckle under the blogs, essays, research papers and stale candy that is passed to those fortunate enough to have Ms. Croker as your teacher/instructor and (tor) will learn how to write like you never thought possible...and believe it or not, your typing skills will also greatly improve as well.

So I encourage you to either switch classes now, before you have to drop it anyway, or for the brave, strap yourselves in for one wild ride through the world of topic sentences, body paragraphs, work cited pages and endless re-writes that await you......if you dare........

Oh, and lighten up, it's only English Composition 101....not brain surgery......peace


  1. Lol, thank you for sharing your funny jokes and stories throughout the semester Cuervo. I really enjoyed your blogs, and I wish you good luck on your goals. Hope to see you around next semester.

  2. Blog Props: Your blog was always very strongly opinionated and interesting to read. And it was always very insightful.

  3. Your my Favorite and you know it, I will really miss you next semester since you "already took philosophy" who is going to understand me(the most not totally) Keep in contact, and know im there if you need me on facebook. Great bloggs, always!

  4. BLOG PROPS: Well well well, what can I say? You are the worst writer in the history of writing! Couldn't understand anything you said. :P I'm just kidding, Pops. :D You are a VERY talented writer and I mean that. You are able to write in ways to give people another view of the subject or talk about things we never thought about. You always have a great quote in your writings. My favorite, which I used in my research paper, was the Russian Roulette line. It was classic!. It sucks we will not have a class again but if you ever need anything just call 9-1-1 or contact me on Facebook. Really enjoyed you in my classes. Hope you have great success in the future. Later Mang

  5. Cuervo...You seemed like an interesting dude the whole semester and were always strong in your opinions, which is refreshing.


"How did we lose our way???..."

     Greetings my is a day of memorials and pausing for moments of silence. We all know what today is, we've been bombar...