Monday, September 6, 2010

The Land of Fools and Fakery and Funny

   Greetings y' now we get to write about "Reality Show".....whoopty damn doo!  No really, I do enjoy a few of the reality shows, but for the most part, they are a waste of time.  What was once called "shock t.v",  has now morphed into a blathering blob of useless protoplasmic t.v.  Who wants to see rich kids act like spoiled brats, or just how crazy it is backstage with tottlers in tierras?  I mean really, is this the future of television as we know it?   I don't care if they have 19 and counting, I'm wondering if they ever heard of birth control....and to think that the media fed the "Octo-mom" frenzy, but just adores the Duggers.....what the heck is going on?
   Ok, as I said before, there are a few shows that I really enjoy, but don't know if they are "Reality shows", or educational shows.  Take, for example, "Pawn Stars."  Ok, the day to day life in a pawn shop, big deal you say... I find it not only funny, (gotta love Chumley) but educational as well.  The history that is shown on there really does somethig to entertain, as well as educate, (and yes, I've been looking at that crap I've been collecting with a much more wary eye before sending it to Goodwill).
   Then there is "The Smoking Gun Presents....The World's Dumbest."  You can't help but laugh when some poor slob falls, crashes or just simply wipes out.  Those of you who know me, you will probably say,"Cuervo, how could you, what kind of Christian are you to find humor in the pain of others?" You may be right, to an extent.  After all, the difference between tragedy and comedy is simply...."Tragedy is you slipping on a bananna peel, comedy is someone else slipping on a bananna peel," it's a matter of perspective....better you than me.
   All in all, with 535 channels to choose from, we still seem to end up right back to the channels that show us how screwed up the rest of the world is, and in a sense, these reality shows actually do us a lot of good. After watching them, one can't help but think...."Damn, and I thought I was screwed up!"  That being said, I've gotta run, channel 535 is running an all day "Redneck Rodeo" marathon, and I can't miss it.....till we chat again, this is "Channel Cuervo", bring you the latest in redundent psychobabble....peace


  1. ahahaha...I want to watch the "Redneck Rodeo". I couldn't agree more about watching rich kids acting like spoiled brats. That is such a waste of time. I'd rather go watch the grass grow. Great blog!

  2. Haha don't lie you watch it too XD

  3. I've only seen "Pawn Stars" and you're right, it's pretty educational. You have such a comical way of looking at different things. It's refreshing

  4. Cuervo! I enjoyed reading your post! Love the sarcastic humor!!
    I am guilty of watching Pawn Star and also the smoking gun... Chumley is hilarious and also the grandfather.

  5. hahaa all very true and makes me wonder if the next generation or more to come are going to be coming out in teirras or have babies as their themselves are babies.


"How did we lose our way???..."

     Greetings my is a day of memorials and pausing for moments of silence. We all know what today is, we've been bombar...