Monday, September 13, 2010

"When I Was A Kid...."

I've been reading many of the blogs posted and I have to guys/gals are spoiled rotten...I mean, you have the internet, i-phones, twitter, google and a bunch of other stuff that I still have no idea how to operate...

Back when I was a kid, if you wanted to know what a word meant, you had to go to this thing called a dictionary (it's also called a "book") to look it up...and it sucked if you didn't know how to spell the word to begin with....

There was no e-mail, you actually had to sit down and using pencil/pen to paper, you WROTE it out.....then you actually had to WALK to the mailbox at the corner of the block to send it on it's way....

Child Abuse??? if you were out of line, you got the back of a hand or your "Hot Wheels" track taken to your butt....if you got in trouble in the neighborhood, your friends' parents had permission to whack you....then you got it again when you got about double jeopardy...

When you were punished, we didn't get a "time-out", we got knocked out..."I'll give you something to cry about"....we were sent to our rooms....which consisted of a bed, dresser and a lamp, if you were, you have computers, cell phones, dvd players, super stereophonic-quad speaker/whoofer/tweeter/sub-compact multi-disc changer.......oh, the noise....and that's punishment???

We didn't have cell phones, heck, your home had 1 call waiting, no answering machines...if the phone rang, you had to pick it up to hear who was on the other end of the line...which, if you were like me, you hated could have been the teacher, neighbor or someone letting your parents know that you were screwing up...again......

X-Box, Atari, Wii...WHAT!!!....we had toys like "Paddle Ball"...a ball on a rubber band that you paddled it off of.....thunka, thunka, thunka....snap....the rubber band would break, sending the ball flying into your mother's display of "Commorative Thimbles"....then she used the paddle to whack your butt for playing in the house in the first place....

There were no car seats, seat belts or child safety locks on the doors to the cars we rode in....just climb in, hang on and shut up....we would slide from one side to the other as pops took a turn at a high rate of speed....wheeee...and if you hit your head on the dashboard because mom slammed on the breaks too soon...well that was your fault for calling "shotgun" in the first place....

This is what I'm talking about, you kids have it too easy today, you wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes in the "good ol' days", I sure miss those days.....peace....Cuervo


  1. Ok im not as old as you, but I can remember living like that!!! LOL.. Thanks for the memories.. think im going to go call my Dad..


"How did we lose our way???..."

     Greetings my is a day of memorials and pausing for moments of silence. We all know what today is, we've been bombar...