Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Same Sex Marraige-Who Has The Right?

Same Sex Marriage-Who Has The Right?

   In the four articles I read regarding same sex marriages, I found myself in a bit of a quandary.  To begin with, I am a “Born-Again” Christian who believes that the Bible is the unerring Word of God.  I believe in the concept of Heaven and Hell, I believe that it is the guiding principles that govern my life and that living in a “sinful nature” will result in consequences. I believe that I am forgiven of my sins, and in living by the Word of God, I will live forever in Heaven when my time comes.
    That being said, I also find myself on the fence regarding same sex marriages and the homosexual lifestyles that surround this issue.  I have several friends who are gay and although I do not understand the why to their lifestyle, I find that I respect them for “who” they are, not “what” they do.  I find that there is enough hate in the world without adding to the mess. 
    Who am I to say that they are in the wrong?  I was forgiven a multitude of sins when I chose to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and not to brag, but when I walked on the dark side; I was a General in Satan’s army.  I did things that I am not proud of, and still have to deal with as I grow closer to God, but I was forgiven of all that I had done.  So, I ask the question…”Who am I to pass judgment on the lifestyles/actions of others, when at one time, I was as lost as the next?”
    I believe that God will address this issue when He feels it is time. I have no desire to add to the pain/suffering/shame of another fellow human.  Although this is not a popular view, (just ask the hard-core fundamentalists), I believe that when Jesus said “Love thy neighbor as you love yourself,” he meant to accept everyone, as you wish to be accepted…not just those who are like you…..and so I chose to love my fellow human, Black, White, Jew, Gentile, Gay and Straight….we are all God’s children.

“Peace, Love & Understanding”……Elvis Costello


  1. At least you understand them and respect them.

  2. I truly admire how you respect everybody as they are. You are right, loving thy neighbor is not only directed towards the ones like you, but everyone and everything.

  3. This was a really good blog. I am not a religious person at all but it's nice to read something when someone has an open mind.

  4. Your tolerance and acceptance of others is so admirable. i wish we could spread your attitude to others.


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